About AHA


Introducing: AHA (Para español haga clic aquí)

Who We Are
Advent Herald Ambassador (AHA) is an organised group of international missionary volunteers who are also members of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church.

By God’s grace, we purpose to co-labour with Christ by wisely investing time and personal resources to address the Spiritual,Health and Educational needs of communities across the global mission field.

How We Began
The Lord graciously rallied our team into existence in response to two Mission Trip “Macedonian” calls received from the US State of Ohio, and from Jamaica, both in early December, 2019.

Our Progress
Although answering our initial call to the Ohio mission field has been temporarily interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, God’s grace keeps our heart aflame and our efforts undaunted in His service..

Thankfully, to date, we are prayerfully planning our first international mission trip, whilst actively pursuing official sponsorship by a USA local Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Our Burden
Constrained by Christ’s loving compassion, we purpose to faithfully herald God’s three final warning messages to a swiftly dying, lost and suffering world. This, we are compelled to do by employing His SDA Health Reform Message as the entering wedge and right arm of His Everlasting Gospel.

Our Mission Statement
Utilizing Seventh-day Adventist missionary volunteers to address the health, educational, social, and spiritual needs across the global mission field.

Our Vision Statement
By the power of God’s grace and His Holy Spirit, to fully accomplish the international scope of our services via launched Bible-based Health Expos, Evangelism, and Needs-based Education

Explanation of our Vision Statement
● Goals and Activities
Health Expos
• Health and Lifestyle screenings
• Dietary and other health counselling
• Natural treatments such as massages, hydrotherapy, etc.
• Bible studies
• Nightly local Adventist Campaign meetings
• Follow-up reinforcement Bible Studies
This will include partnerships with local SDA Churches and communities, in projects such as:
• gardening to provide low-cost nutrition
• healthful cooking to improve nutrition
• accessing potable water supply
• erecting simple basic structures of abode
• proper sanitation
• stimulation of industry and enterprise
• hands-on training in practical skills to equip economically depressed, vulnerable communities to assist themselves via locally sustainable ways
• free ‘E-education’ via accessible online courses at the AHA website

Our Required Qualifications and Standards
All AHA elected Executive Committee (EC) officers must:
1) Hold verifiable current Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church membership in any SDA Local Conference Church or Company, and be duly reported to be in good and regular standing.
2) Espouse the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White as the divinely ordained gift of prophecy in the SDA Church.
3) Be freely accepting and supportive of the worldwide SDA Church leadership in general.
4) Neither express nor demonstrate any reservations or objections to the preaching, promoting, promulgation and practice of the SDA Health Reform Message.
5) Rightly represent the SDA Church and exhibit Christlike professional conduct in manners and attire, at all times when conducting or representing the business of AHA, whether in person or otherwise.
6) Be consistently supportive of AHA leadership and be exemplary in Christ-like behavior towards all of its Charter membership.
7) Be unreservedly committed to the glory of God in working selflessly for the success of His cause in fulfilling the “everlasting gospel” commission of the SDA Church.

Our Services
1. Reaching:
● Health Reform Expos
● Health screenings and counselling
● Simple natural home remedies
● Basic physical exercise routines
● Plant-based Cooking classes
● Needs-based Hands-on Community Education Classes (see “Education” under “Explanation of Vision Statement”)
2. Ripening:
● Home visitations
● Preparatory Bible Studies
● Evangelistic Crusades
3. Reaping:
● Soul-Harvesting (Baptism)
● After-Glow (Follow-up spiritual nurturing and reinforcement with Bible studies by host church)

Our Needs
1. SDA Health Reform and other Volunteers
● Health Reform Staff:
Medical Missionaries, Herbalists, Physicians from all disciplines, NP’s, RN’s, Midwives, LPN’s, Nurse Technicians, CNA’s, Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Opticians, PT’s, etc.
● Public Evangelism Staff:
Bible Workers, Church Elders (males), Evangelists, Lay Preachers, Live Interpreters, Pastors, Speakers, Musicians (accompanist, vocalists)
● Needs-Based Education Staff:
Agriculturalists, Builders, Businessmen, Carpenters, Contractors, Electricians, Entrepreneurs, Farmers, Gardeners, Handy-men, Industrialists, IT Support, Masons, Plumbers, Roofers, etc.

2. SDA Health Reform Expo Material
● Banners/Posters/Fliers
● Literature
● Registration supplies
● Table cloths/skirts
● Cooking Classes needs
● Et cetera

3. Portable Medical Equipment
● Screening:
Scales, Glucometers, Sphygmomanometers, Otoscopes, thermometers, etc.
● Diagnostic:
Tonometers, Ultrasound, ECG, X-Ray machines, etc.
● Treatment:
Massage Table, etc.

4. Medical Supplies
● You name it, we need it!
● Except for any chemical drug medications, please!

5. Patronage and Sponsorship
This may include, but is by no means limited to:
● Regular coverage of Mission Trip costs for full-time AHA Medical and other needy Missionary Volunteers
● Trip-specific coverage of Mission Trip costs for full-time needy Medical Missionaries who Volunteer with AHA
● Covering annual bulk purchasing of AHA uniforms
● Providing discounts for domestic and international:
○ airline travel
○ hotel accommodation
○ historic or other sites of recreational benefit

● Maintenance of AHA selected travel insurance policy
● Providing for Media Coverage expenses such as:
○ Website building and annual maintenance charges

● Coverage of ongoing and recurrent organisational administrative costs:
○ Post Office Box quarterly charges
○ Mission Trip Application Forms processing

How You May Assist Us
As the Holy Spirit directs your heart:
● First and foremost, we covet and would greatly appreciate your earnest prayers on our behalf.
● Your investment as a Patron or a Sponsor.
● Your sacrificial voluntary Medical Missionary expertise and time.
● Your sacrificial voluntary Non-Medical Missionary Mission Trip participation.
● Your sacrificial charitable contributions of cash donations, and/or in kind (such as AHA-specific Mission Trip materials, medical equipment, etc.).

Contact Us
● (337) 707-6404
● (516) 697-5026
(Se habla español)
● (516) 697-5026
● Email Click⇒ Here to fill out contact form

Our Mission Field Invitation
If our mission field goal resonates with you as a Seventh-day Adventist Church member, please prayerfully consider contacting us, as the Holy Spirit directs your heart?

You may register your committed interest by completing and submitting our AHA Missionary Volunteer Mission Trip Application Form at our website.

We appreciate you and praise the Lord for you. God’s richest blessings.


Your Fellow Missionary Volunteers at AHA
* The following are some biblical reasons for the existence, purpose and function of AHA:
John 3:16
2 Corinthians 5:14
Acts 16:9
Matthew 14:14
Mark 1:41; 6:34
Luke 4:18-19
Matthew 9:37-38
Matthew 28:18-20
Revelation 14:6-12
2 Corinthians 5:20
John 14:1-3
Revelation 22:12, 20

Online bible Studies

Health Workshops
